We are back!

Hello, everyone.

I am very sorry for a long silence. There were many reasons behind this all. Looks like I have finally fixed the last obstacle.

What happened?

I was supposed take just 2 weeks off from gaming videos and writing. My goal was to complete a series of tutorial videos in that time. Unfortunately, my neck pain got so bad that I couldn’t spend any free time in front of the computer. I sat (still do) 12 hours shifts at work, mostly in front of the computer. The pain didn’t go away and I had to even take a short sick leave, before things started to get better.

The neck pain lasted almost at the end of October. Treatments helped, but only rest made it better.

Okay, but now it is July again?

I managed to lock myself out from this site. Resetting the password through cPanel didn’t help and new server owner wasn’t really helpful in finding out why.

Today I was updating another site and noticed several changes under the hood. I decided to try changing password again. And this time – finally – it worked. I have no idea what sort of issue it was, but it seems to have been resolved now. That makes me happy.

Right. Where to next?

Forward, march!

It is very unlikely that I could continue games that were not completed during last summer. I started at them this week and had no idea what I had done, or where I was heading. That actually makes me a bit sad.

The bigger problem there is the current lack of time. I don’t have any free days (at all) during upcoming weeks and several other weeks are busy as well. I could probably figure out those games, but I do not currently have enough time in my hands to work with them.

But can you work with tutorials?

Yes. That I can do. I have written and even recorded plenty of material for modding tutorial guides and videos. I will pull them together, when things at work cool down a bit. I am planning on taking few weeks vacation soon. That might be a good time to complete most things and record content in peace.

Good, but will you get back to making let’s play videos?

That depends entirely of my work. I have two employers. I have far more flexible situation with the first one, but ongoing epidemic has cut down the amount of jobs we had. Second of company is what keeps a roof over my head, but also claims most of my free time.

I can not foresee how this goes, or where I end up. Right now it is safe to say that I will stick with tutorials and other projects. I will avoid starting another let’s play, unless I am sure that I have enough time to release those.

Working for two employers doesn’t really leave me a lot of that time. As you can imagine, recording the game play content wouldn’t be the problem. Finding the time to edit and process all if it is the issue here.

At the top of that I am also doing some studies. I got my professional qualifications at December. Now I am working to complete my specialized qualification and I am also completing courses at open polytechnic.

Studying doesn’t really eat my time though. I can do that during commute and slow hours at work.

Hopefully the pace will change at some point. I would really love to get back posting gaming videos again.

All work and no play?

Oh, I have played. With all it’s faults, CyberPunk 2077 managed to scratch an itch that I didn’t knew was there. I have spend hundreds of hours investigating Night City.

I am currently investigating what got updated for Pathfinder: Kingmaker over the year. A lot has changed.

Valheim is waiting it’s turn next. I am just waiting for a mood to play the game. Soon.

And of course we all need to enjoy the summer.


Tutorial articles will likely appear here soon.
Videos will be done, when they are done. I am hoping to get them out before autumn, so that I can concentrate on Mod Organizer 2 tutorials.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Have a nice warm summer, everyone.

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Author: Ilja